And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
Selected Publications
Referred Journal and Conference Papers
- Garcia-Luna-Aceves, P. E. Mantey and S. N. Pottireddy, “Floor Control Alternatives for Distributed Videoconferencing over IP Networks”, accepted for presentation and publication, IEEE CollaborateCom2005, San Jose, December 2005.
- Johnson, Brian; K. Ndung'u, J. Rybczynski, P.E. Mantey and A.R. Flegal, “Automated Water Sampling for Trace Metals in Response to Ephemeral Events”, under revision for publication in the Journal of Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, published by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography.
- Mantey, P.E. and J. Richards, “Using Large Shared Displays to Create a Collaborative Classroom Learning Environment”, Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments, WACE2005, Redmond, WA. September 2005
- Mantey, P.E. and J. Richards, “The ‘Simularium’ – A Large Scale Interactive Tiled Display for Collaborative Learning”, Proceedings of the IASTED Conference on Education and Technology, Calgary, pp 312-316, July 2005.
- Paduan J, S. Benson, K. Bruland, F. Chavez, D. Costa, D. Croll, A. DeVogelaere, C. Edwards, G. Griggs, C. King, R. Kudela, J. Harvey, B. Lipphardt, S. Lonhart, P. Mantey, B. Marinovic, M. McManus, L. Rosenfeld and J. Vesecky, “Ocean Observing and Modeling System Developments around Monterey Bay”, Proceedings of the California and the World Ocean ’02 Conference in Santa Barbara, California, October 27-30, 2002, published by Am. Society of Civil Engineers. 2005, pages 967-976.
- Mantey, P. E. and T. Johnson, “Evaluation of an M.S. Program Using Synchronous Digital Video Course Delivery To Remote Students, and Its Expansion, Enhancement and Improvements”, Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Savannah, GA, October 2004.
- Webster, F., J.B. Minster, T. K. Ahern, C. J. Alexander, J. Bloxham, D.S. Goldberg, R.A. Greenwald, P. E. Mantey, C.T. Russell, D.K. Smith, “Review of NOAA’s National Geophysical Data Center”, National Academies of Sciences, National Research Council, National Academies Press, 2003
- Paris, J. F., Darrell D. E. Long, and Patrick Mantey 1999. “A Zero-Delay Broadcasting Protocol for Video on Demand”, Proceedings of the 1999 ACM International Multimedia Conference, Orlando, Florida, pp. 189-197, November 1999
- Rosen, Eric, Theodore Haining, Darrell D.E.Long, Patrick Mantey, and Craig Wittenbrink, “REINAS: A Real-time System for Managing Environmental Data,” in the Proceedings of the Eighth Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Conference, pp. 293-300, Lake Tahoe: SEKE, June 1996. Also in a special issue of the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 35-53, March 1998.
- Wittenbrink, Craig, Eric Rosen, Alex Pang, Suresh Lodha, and Patrick Mantey, “Realtime Database Support for Environmental Visualization,” in Proceedings of Database Issues for Data Visualization,IEEE Visualization '95 Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, Wierse, Grinstein and Lang (Eds.), October 1995. Also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1183, Springer-Verlag 1996.
- Franchi, P., J. Gonzalez, P. E. Mantey, C. Paoli, A. Parolo, and J. Simmons. “Design Issues and Architecture of HACIENDA, an Experimental Image Processing System”, IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 116-126, March 1983.
- Mantey, P.E., and E. Carlson. “Integrated Geographic Databases: the GADS Experience,” Data Base and Pictorial Applications (A. Blaser, editor), Vol. 81, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (G. Goos, J. Hartmanis, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1980, pp. 173-198.
- Mantey, P.E., J.A. Sutton, and C. Holloway. “Computer Support for Management Decision-Making”Computer Assisted Corporate Planning (H. D. Plotzender, ed.), Vol. 1, Lectures and Tutorials, Science Research Associates, 1976, pp. 333-360.
- Mantey, P.E., and E. Carlson. “Geographic Base Files: Applications in the Integration and Extraction of Data from Diverse Sources” Data Base Systems, (H. Hasselmeir and W.G. Spruth, eds.), Vol. 39,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (G. Goos and J. Hartmanis, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1975, pp. 149-182.
- Mantey, P.E., and E. Carlson. “Data Bases for Municipal Decision-Making” AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Vol. 44, National Computer Conference 1975, pp. 487-493.
- Carlson, E.D., J.L. Bennett, G.M. Giddings, and P.E. Mantey. “The Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Geo-Data Analysis and Display System”, Information Processing 1974 - Applications of Interactive Computing (J. Rosenfeld, ed.), IFIP '74, North-Holland Pub., 1974, pp. 1057-1061.
- “The Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Geo-Data Analysis and Display System”, ACM/SIGGRAPH, Boulder, Colorado, July 1974.
- Cristiani, E.J., R.J. Evey, R.E. Goldman, and P.E. Mantey. “An Interactive System for Aiding Evaluation of Local Government Policies”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-3, No. 2, March 1973, pp. 141-146.
- Chang, A. and P.E. Mantey. “Optimization and Computation Applied to Power System Scheduling and Control”, Automatica, Vol. 7, February 1971, pp. 417-430.
- Ferguson, M.J. and P.E. Mantey. “Automatic Frequency Control via Digital Filtering,” IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol. AU-16, No. 3, September 1968, pp. 392-397.
- C.S. Weaver and et. al.. “Digital Filtering with Applications to Electrocardiogram Processing”, IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol. AU-16, No. 3, September 1968, pp. 350-391.
- Mantey, P.E. Papers on Digital Signal Processing (A. V. Oppenheim, ed.), M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1969, pp. 114-120 and System Sensitivity Analysis (J. B. Cruz, Jr., ed.), Dowden, Hutchinson,& Ross, Stroudsburg, Pa., 1973, both include the above paper.
- Mantey, P.E. “Eigenvalue Sensitivity and State-Variable Selection,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-13, No. 3, June 1968, pp. 263-269.
- Mantey, P.E. and G.F. Franklin. “On Digital Filter Design Techniques in the Frequency Domain” IEEE Proceedings (Letters), Vol. 55, No. 12, December 1967, pp. 2196-7.
- Widrow, B., P.E. Mantey, L.J. Griffiths, and B.B. Goode. “Adaptive Antenna Systems” IEEE Proceedings, Vol. 55, No. 12, December 1967, pp. 2143-2159.
Invited Conference Papers
- “Visualization of Geographically-Referenced Observations to Support Real-Time Decision-Making,” in the SPIE Proceedings on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis, Vol. 3298, pp. 224-228, February 1998.
- Mantey, P.E. and Daniel Fernandez, “Ocean Science and Engineering: Two Cultures Meet in the Ocean” presented at the 1996 - AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition (AMSIE'96), Baltimore, Maryland, February 8-13, 1996.
- Long, Darrell D.E., Patrick Mantey, Craig Wittenbrink, Theodore Haining, Bruce Montague. “REINAS: the Real-Time Environmental Information Network and Analysis System,” Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society CompCon, San Francisco: IEEE, March 1995, pp. 482-487.
- “A View of Visualization: Its Origins, Development and New Directions,” SPIE Proceedings on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis, Vol. 2178, pp. 2-11, February 1994.
- “Transportation Planning Application of the Geo-Data Analysis and Display System”, in Proceedings- Fifteenth Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Forum, Vol. XV, No. 1, 1974, pp. 512-518.
- “Interactive Graphics in Public-Sector Decision Making”, 6th Annual Meeting, American Institute for Decision Science, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 1974.
- Mantey, P.E., J.L. Bennett and E.D. Carlson. “Information for Problem Solving: The Development of an Interactive Geographic Information System” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Vol. II, Seattle, Washington, June 1973.
- Mantey, P.E. and R.J. Evey. “Data Simplification for Spatial Display” Urban and Regional Information Systems Conference, San Francisco, August 1972.
- “State-Space Methods in the Design of Efficient Digital Filters”, special supplement for the “Invited Session on State-Space Techniques”, Proceedings of the Fourth Asilomar Conference on Circuits and Systems, Pacific Grove, California, November 1970.
- Mantey, P.E. and A. Chang. “Dynamic Rescheduling and Control of Power Systems and Techniques for Sparse Matrices” Special Invitational Sessions on Large Scale Systems, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Systems Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1969.
Other Conference Papers and Report
- Mantey, P.E., J.J. Garcia-Luna, Craig Wittenbrink, and Arul Ananthanarayanan. “Use of ATM and Other Computer Networks in Delivery of Engineering Education - A Perspective”, presented at the 1996 Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 6-9 1996.
- Mantey, P.E. and Ron Nolan. “A Pied Piper: Computer Music to Attract Students to Computer Science / Engineering”, presented at the 1996 Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 6-9 1996.
- “Creating Synergy Between Computer Engineering and Computer Science Programs”, presented at the 1996 Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 6-9 1996.
- Fernandez, Daniel, Patrick Mantey, Darrell Long, Eric Rosen and Craig Wittenbrink. “REINAS: Real- Time Environmental Information Network,” Sea Technology, May 1996, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 47-53.
- Wittenbrink, C.M., Arul Ananthanarayanan, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Patrick Mantey, and Bruce Gritton, “Monterey BayNet-ATM,” in ConneXions, Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 22-33, March 1996.
- Nuss, W.A., P.E. Mantey, A. Pang, D.D.E. Long, “The Real-Time Environmental Information Network and Analysis Systems (REINAS),” in the Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, Atlanta, Georgia, February 1996.
- Langdon, Glen, Alex Pang, Craig Wittenbrink, Eric Rosen, William Macy, Bruce Montague, Carles Pi-Sunyer, Jim Spring, David Kulp, Dean Long, Bryan Mealy and Patrick Mantey, “Compression Research on the REINAS Project,” in Proceedings of 1995 Science Information Management and Data Compression Workshop, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt Maryland, October 1995.
- Levy, David E., and P. E. Mantey. “Electronic Libraries and Optical Jukebox Server Scheduling”, Proceedings of SPIE/IS&T Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science & Technology, February 1992.
- Gladney, H. M. and P. E. Mantey. “Essential Issues in the Design of Shared Document/Image Libraries”, Proceedings Image Communications and Workstations, SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering, volume d1258, pp. 54-65, February 1990.
- “Image-Derived Data and Applications in Planning,” Panel Abstract, Proceedings of the CalTech/JPL Conference on Image Processing, Pasadena, CA, November 1976, pp. 15-3.
- (E.J. Cristiani and et. al.) “An Interactive Facility for Examining Development Policies of Local Government,” Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Allerton Conference on Circuits and System Theory, October, 1971.
- “Algorithms for Dynamic Rescheduling of Critical Line Flows During Power System Operation”, Paper 71 CP628-PWR, IEEE Summer Power Meeting and International Symposium on High Power Testing, Portland, Oregon, July 1971.
- Mantey, P.E. and L.J. Griffiths. “Computational Considerations in the Design of Digital EstimationFilters,” Proceedings of the 14th Midwest Symposium on Circuit Theory, University of Denver, Denver,Colorado, May 1971
- “Computer Requirements for Event Recording, Digital Relaying, and Substation Monitoring”, Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Denver, Colorado,
- Mantey, P.E. and L.J. Griffiths. “Iterative Least-Squares Algorithms for Signal Extraction”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1969.
- “State-Variable Selection for Efficient Computer Implementation of Linear Discrete Systems”, Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference, Vol. 23, Chicago, 1967, pp. 74-79.
- Mantey, P.E., C. Whitcher, M.D. and et. al. “Analysis of Human Korotkov Sounds” Presented at “Work-in-Progress” Session, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Philadelphia, PA, October 1966.
- Mantey, P.E., C.A. Cole and C.S.Weaver. “Pattern Recognition Techniques for Radar Signal Analysis”,(classified) Tri-Service Symposium on Electronic Warfare, Signal Analysis, and Display, New York University, September 1965.
- Mantey, P.E., C. Witcher, M.D. and et. al. “Analysis of Blood Pressure Measurement and Korotkov Sounds” Abstract #1308, 39th Annual Meeting, Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, Atlantic City, New Jersey, April 1965.
- “Convergent Automatic Synthesis Procedures for Sampled-Data Networks with Feedback”, (Ph.D. Thesis), Report SEL-64-112 (Tr-6773-1), Stanford Electronics Labs, Stanford University, October 1964.
- Mantey, P.E. and R.A. Griener. “Feedback Improves Hall-Effect Multiplier”, Electronics, Sept. 1961. (Based on “Investigation of a Hall-Effect Multiplier”, M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, June 1961.)
Technical Report
- P.E. Mantey, D.D.E. Long, J.J. Garcia-Luna, G.G. Langdon, A.T. Pang, D.M. Fernandez, H.G. Kolsky, E.C. Rosen, C.M. Wittenbrink (UCSC), B.R. Gritton (MBARI), and W.A. Nuss (NPS), “REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Information Network and Analysis System: Phase V - Status Report”, UCSC-CRL-97-02, January 1997.
- P.E. Mantey, D.D.E. Long, J.J. Garcia-Luna, A.T. Pang, H.G. Kolsky, B.R. Gritton, W.A. Nuss, “REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Information Network and Analysis System: Phase IV - Experimentation”, UCSC-CRL-94-43, 1994.
- P.E.Mantey, D.D.E. Long, J.J. Garcia-Luna, A.T. Pang, H.G. Kolsky (UCSC), B.R. Gritton (MBARI),W.A. Nuss (NPS), “REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Information Network and Analysis System: Phase III - Systems Design”, UCSC-CRL-94-08, March 10, 1994.
- P.E. Mantey, J.J. Garcia-Luna, H.G. Kolsky, D.D.E. Long, A.T. Pang, E.C. Rosen, C. Tang, B.R. Montague, M.D. Abram, W.W. Macy, B.R. Gritton, J. Paduan, and W. Nuss. “REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Information Network and Analysis System: Phase II Requirements Definition", UCSC-CRL-93-34, July 1993.
- Long, Darrell D.E., P.E. Mantey, A.T. Pang, G.G. Langdon, Jr., R.A. Levinson, H.G. Kolsky, B.R. Gritton, C.H. Wash, and L.K. Rosenfeld. “REINAS: Real-Time Environmental Information Network and Analysis System: Concept Statement”, University of California, Santa Cruz Technical Report UCSC-CRL-93-05.
- Langdon, G.G. Jr., J.-M. Cheng, R.B. Arps, and P.E. Mantey. “VLSI Algorithms for Compression and the Skew Coder Chip”, IBM Research Report 1990.
- “Adjustment of Elements of a Table to Meet Specified Marginal Totals," IBM Research Report RJ 1233, San Jose, CA, June 1973.
- “Digital Computer Implementation of Linear Systems”, Report SEL-66-063 (Tr-1809-2, 1810-2, 6773-2), Stanford Electronics Laboratories, Stanford, University, October 1966.
- Mantey, P.E., C.S. Weaver and et. al. “Digital Spectrum Analyzers” Report SEL-66-059 (Tr-1809-1,1810-1), Stanford Electronics Laboratories, Stanford University, June 1966.